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Synopsys IC Elites Communicating Meeting Was Held in Shanghai
Release date:2014-05-21 Browse the number:5192
On May 16, 2014, Synopsys held an IC Elites
Communication Meeting in Shanghai. Associate
Consultant of Scienceand TechnologyBureauofHefei
Yuan Chen and President of HFSID Tao Hong were invited to attend the meeting.
The meeting invited Dr. Wei Shaojun from
Tsinghua university and Dr. Chen Zhikuan from Synopsys to analyze the current
IC industry statement and policies and analyze application and development of
technology under circumstance of mobile internet. Dr. Wei delivered a speech on
the topic of “outlook of Chinese IC environment” and Dr. Chen made a report
around the topic “evolution of IC industry and technology”.
This elites
communicating meeting is helpful to coordinate the IC industry and promote
common development.
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